The Service
What time is the service?
5pm on Sundays
How long is the service?
The service is usually about an hour and ten minutes.
What should I wear?
Feel free to dress up or dress down—wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.
Are children welcome?
Children are invited to worship with us during the entire duration of the service. We have a children’s lesson each service, activity bags, a playroom, and a nursery to make little ones welcome.
What’s the service like?
We follow the same pattern each week. The service includes songs, Bible readings, a sermon, community prayer, and weekly communion. When you enter, you’ll receive a bulletin with an outline of the service.
What kind of music do you play?
We sing a mix of classic and contemporary songs.
Can I participate in communion?
We welcome all to participate in communion with us.
What is your stance on gender and LGBTQ+ issues?
Women and LGBTQ+ people are welcome to participate and lead in all aspects of our life. We are Verified Clear by Church Clarity.
What’s the room like?
We worship in a medium-sized room with pews arranged in a semi-circle around an altar and podium. We usually have 10-15 people in worship.
Worship at Beacon
Come and join us in the adventure: Sundays at 5PM
Beacon is a part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and as such, we welcome people from any and all backgrounds. Beacon is LGBTQIA+ affirming, family-friendly, and worship is explanatory and down-to-earth.
The Story
We believe in a God who offers a wide welcome to all people regardless of their faith, joys, sorrows, concerns, jokes, excitement, anger, or delight. At Beacon we work hard to make a safe space for people to encounter this God of welcome and love. God wants us to tell the stories God has given each of us, to God, to each other, even to the ends of the earth. Beacon's worship service is a space where we take seriously the role of speaking truth, the truth as we know it, the truth of who God is and has been to us in our lives. We bring our whole selves to share in singing, praying, speaking, and eating together, relying on each other for all the pieces of God’s story in our midst.

First Sunday Dinners
On the first Sunday of every month, we gather for a simple meal during worship. There's no cost for this meal, and all are welcome. You only need to bring your company, but you are also welcome to bring a dish if you would like to share.